Build With Love by Alex StandifordLove What You Do.

This is Not a Vacation

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The view from our campground, in the morning.

A camper parked on a gravel lot with a playpen, child's bike, and carious chairs set up in front of it.

Why We Haven't Left Ohio... Yet

Why, "I'm going to allow this..."

a man and two young boys on a bed together. the man is looking at a laptop , the oldest boy is playing a videogame and the youngest is laying backward looking at the camera.

The Benefits of a Test Run

What I'm Not Looking Forward To

a young boy leaned back on the top bunk of a camper bunk bed. He's looking to the right at a video game and there is a tray of food in drink in the foreground.

This isn't a Vacation... it's a Lifestyle

But Doesn't Living Small Drive You Nuts?

Why A Long Stay is an Asset to Us